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English for Lasers & Photonics

Description: This language course is offtered exclusively to students of the International Master's Programme Lasers & Photonics.

Modules: This course is split into two conse­cu­tive parts:

  • Language for Academic Purposes, offered in the Winter term
  • Language for Special Purposes, offered in the Summer term

For further details, please see the descriptions below.

Lasers & Photonics – Module I

Full name: Lasers & Photonics—Language for Academic Purposes.

Goals: At the end of this course, students will be able to follow lectures in their subject area held in English as well as participate actively in courses and exer­cises of their study programme and handle all related tasks and assignments independently.

Content: Students will receive extensive training in linguistic competencies they need for active participation in the Laser and Photonics study programme. In order to lay the foundation, general language use in academic contexts will be practised. Where possible, subject-related materials will be used.

For the development of listening comprehension, authentic lectures will be made available on Blackboard, while introductory texts and sections from textbook articles will serve as the basis for reading comprehension exercises. Speaking will be trained by means of short presentations and discussions in class, and writing skills will be developed mainly through short writing assignments.

This course lays the basis for participation in Module II: Lasers and Photonics — English for Special Purposes.

Lasers & Photonics – Module II

Full name: Lasers & Photonics - Language for Special Purposes.

Goals: At the end of this course, students will have a sound command of the idiom of the Lasers and Photonics field of science and thus be able to converse and write in English freely in the scope of study and research in their subject area. They will be capable of expressing concepts and ideas related to this scientific field and thus be equipped for active participation in courses and exercises of their study programme.

Content: On the basis of Module I (English for Academic Purposes), students will receive further training in linguistic competencies necessary for study and research in the field of Lasers and Photonics. The typical idiom of this specific scientific field will be practised both actively and receptively. For this purpose, subject-related materials will be used with the side-effect of further extending study-specific vocabulary.

For the development of listening comprehension, authentic lectures will be made available on Blackboard, while scientific papers and articles will serve as the basis for reading comprehension exercises. Speaking will be trained by means of short presentations and discussions in class, and writing skills will be improved mainly through writing assignments as well as contributions to Wikis and Blogs.

This course is the continuation of Module I: Lasers and Photonics – English for Academic Purposes.

Regular Courses for Special Purposes

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Martin G. Kantus