Dr. Thomas Wesener
Zoologist - Myriapodologist
Research Museum A. Koenig
Department Myriapoda
Adenauerallee 160
D-53113 Bonn
E-mail: twesener@uni-bonn.de

Starting with my diploma-thesis, my research interests lie in the taxonomy
and phylogeny of Diplopoda (Millipedes), especially those from Madagascar.
as one of the eight richest biodiversity 'hotspots' on our planet, hosts a
very unique inventory of Diplopoda. Unfortunately, even the number
of species, their ecology and natural history are completely unknown.
Most species descriptions are more than 100 years old. Reviews of millipede
collections of U.S.-American institutions and own collections indicate that
still hosts a very high number of still undescribed giant-pill millipede
My research focuses on the description of species new to science
of the giant-pill millipede order Sphaerotheriida. This enigmatic millipede
order is present on Madagascar
with a very unique, extraordinarily rich assemblage of species. Some
sphaerotheriidian species of Madagascar
are with up to 100 mm body length and a width of about 55 mm the biggest
representatives of this order worldwide and maybe the heaviest millipedes
too. The role which these macroinvertebrates
play in the Malagasy ecosystem still remain unclear. I try to
improve the taxonomy of this group and work on the function of their (in
the whole Diplopoda unique) stridulation
organs and on the evolution and biodiversity of this tribe on Madagascar. My study target also is the finding
of invertebrate biodiversity hotspots on Madagascar. This search for
hotspots of invertebrate biodiversity is urgent due to impending
conservation disasters. Up to 90% of the Malagasy natural vegetation
has been destroyed. At least three ecosystems on Madagascar
belong to the most threatened ecosystems of the world. So, taxonomic
studies are urgent, because in the next ten years many of the Malagasy pill
millipede species, now present in the museum collections all around the
world, might get extinct while not even named. The prognosis of R.L.
Hoffman, an 'Altmeister' of Diplopoda is then
"As regards to the species [of Diplopoda], exact counts
are quite impossible now, although some 10,000 have been named so far. I
shared with C.A.W. Jeekel the opinion that the actual number of extant
species may be near 80,000. Probably most of these will never be collected,
considering the world-wide destruction of indigenuos
forests." Hoffman 1979