Lukas Herll and Steffen Bondorf.
Non-linear Programming for the Network Calculus Analysis of FIFO Feedforward Networks.
In the 16th ACM/SPEC International Conference on Performance Engineering (ACM/SPEC ICPE), May 2025.
Accepted to Appear
Thomas Peitscher, Dennis Lünsch, and Peter Detzner.
Multilayer Graph Partitioning to Enable a Decentralized Path Planning for Large and Heterogeneous AGV Fleets.
In Proc. of 20th IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (IEEE CASE), October 2024.
[@IEEE, bib] -
Jana Gödeke, Maximilian Horstrup, and Peter Detzner.
Towards a Unified Flow Description Language for CPPSs: An Example with Material Flows.
In Proc. of 29th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (IEEE ETFA), October 2024.
[@IEEE, bib] -
Boyang Zhou, Isaac Howenstine, Liang Cheng, and Steffen Bondorf.
Breaking Cyclic Dependencies for Network Calculus using Service Partitioning.
In ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review, Volume 51, Issue 4; Special Issue on the 41st International Symposium on Computer Performance, Modeling, Measurements and Evaluation (IFIP Performance 2023).
[@ACM, bib]
Jana Gödeke and Peter Detzner.
A Simulative Approach to AMR Fleet Sizing in Decentralized Multi-Robot Task Allocation.
In Proc. of the 28th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (IEEE ETFA), September 2023.
[@IEEE, bib] -
Fabien Geyer and Steffen Bondorf.
Differentiable Programming & Network Calculus: Configuration Synthesis under Delay Constraints.
In Preprint, arXiv:2202.03004 [cs.NI], July 2023.
[@ArXiv, bib] -
Patrick Laskowski, Peter Detzner and Steffen Bondorf.
Tree-structured Overlays with Minimal Height: Construction, Maintenance and Operation.
In Proc. of the 17th ACM International Conference on Distributed and Event‐Based Systems (ACM DEBS), June 2023.
[@ACM, bib, dataset] -
David A. Nascimento, Steffen Bondorf and Divanilson R. Campelo.
Modeling and Analysis of Time-Aware Shaper on Half-Duplex Ethernet PLCA Multidrop.
In IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 71, no. 4, April 2023.
[@IEEE, bib, code] -
Fabian Geyer, Alexander Scheffler and Steffen Bondorf.
Network Calculus with Flow Prolongation - A Feedforward FIFO Analysis enabled by ML.
In IEEE Transactions on Computers, vol. 72, no. 1, January 2023.
[@IEEE, bib, dataset]
Peter Detzner, Jana Gödeke and Steffen Bondorf.
Peer Discovery in Tree-Structured P2P Overlay Networks by Means of Connected Dominating Sets.
In Proc. of the 47th IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (IEEE LCN), September 2022.
[@IEEE, slides, bib, dataset] -
Alexander Scheffler, Steffen Bondorf and Jens Schmitt.
Short Paper: Analyzing FIFO-Multiplexing Tandems with Network Calculus and a Tailored Grid Search.
In Proc. of the 34th International Teletraffic Congress (ITC), September 2022.
[ITC digial library - year 2022, slides, bib, code, dataset] -
Alexander Scheffler, Jens Schmitt and Steffen Bondorf.
Searching for Upper Delay Bounds in FIFO Multiplexing Feedforward Networks.
In Proc. of the 30th Conference on Real-Time Networks and Systems (RTNS), June 2022.
[pdf, @ACM, slides, bib, code, dataset] -
Fabien Geyer and Steffen Bondorf.
Network Synthesis under Delay Constraints: The Power of Network Calculus Differentiability.
In Proc. of the 41st IEEE Conference on Computer Communications (IEEE INFOCOM), May 2022.
[@IEEE, slides, bib, dataset]
Peter Detzner, Jana Gödeke and Steffen Bondorf.
Low-Cost Search in Tree-Structured P2P Overlays: The Null-Balance Benefit.
In Proc. of the 46th IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (IEEE LCN), October 2021.
[@IEEE, slides, bib, dataset] -
Alexander Scheffler and Steffen Bondorf.
Network Calculus for Bounding Delays in Feedforward Networks of FIFO Queueing Systems.
In Proc. of the 18th Conference on Quantitative Evaluation of Systems (QEST), August 2021.
[@Springer, slides, bib, code, dataset] -
Fabien Geyer, Alexander Scheffler and Steffen Bondorf.
Tightening Network Calculus Delay Bounds by Predicting Flow Prolongations in the FIFO Analysis.
In Proc. of the 27th IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium (IEEE RTAS), May 2021.
[@IEEE, slides, bib, dataset] -
Steffen Bondorf, Binbin Chen, Jonathan Scarlett, Haifeng Yu and Yuda Zhao.
Sublinear-Time Non-Adaptive Group Testing with O(k log n) Tests via Bit-Mixing Coding.
In IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 67, no. 3, March 2021.
[@IEEE, @ArXiv, bib] -
Fabien Geyer and Steffen Bondorf.
Graph-based Deep Learning for Fast and Tight Network Calculus Analyses.
In IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering, vol. 8, no. 1, January-March 2021.
[@IEEE, bib, dataset]
Steffen Bondorf and Fabien Geyer.
Virtual Cross-Flow Detouring in the Deterministic Network Calculus Analysis.
In Proc. of the 19th IFIP Networking Conference (IFIP Networking), July 2020.
[@IFIP, @Springer, slides, bib] -
Bruno Cattelan, Steffen Bondorf and Alberto E. Schaeffer-Filho.
An Empirical Study of Tightest Network Calculus Analyses for Networks with Multicast Flows.
In Proc. of the 44th IEEE Computers, Software, and Applications Conference (IEEE COMPSAC), July 2020.
[@IEEE, bib] -
Bruno Cattelan and Steffen Bondorf.
On Delay Bounds and Measurements: A COTS Testbed for Network Performance Experimentation.
In Proc. of the 8th IEEE Workshop on Architecture, Design, Deployment & Management of Networks & Applications (ADMNET, IEEE COMPSAC Workshops), July 2020.
[@IEEE, bib] -
Fabien Geyer and Steffen Bondorf.
On the Robustness of Deep Learning-predicted Contention Models for Network Calculus.
In Proc. of the 25th IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (IEEE ISCC), July 2020.
[@IEEE, slides, bib, dataset, @ArXiv, ArXivBib]