Special Session on Practical Applications of Automated Guided Vehicles and Autonomous Mobile Robots for Warehouse Logistics was accepted at the 30th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA) [CfP (PDF)] Chairs: P. Detzner, S. Franke, J. Jost, S. Bondorf
Paper Accepted
ACM/SPEC International Conference on Performance Engineering (ICPE) 2025: Non-linear Programming for the Network Calculus Analysis of FIFO Feedforward Networks by L. Herll and S. Bondorf
Paper published
Towards a Unified Flow Description Language for CPPSs: An Example with Material Flows by J. Gödeke, M. Hörstrup, P. Detzner, accepted at the 29th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA) [IEEE]
Paper published
Multilayer Graph Partitioning to Enable a Decentralized Path Planning for Large and Heterogeneous AGV Fleets by T. Peitscher, D. Lünsch, P. Detzner, accepted at the IEEE 20th International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE) [IEEE]
Paper published
Breaking Cyclic Dependencies for Network Calculus using Service Partitioning by B. Zhou, I. Howenstine, L. Cheng, S. Bondorf, accepted at IFIP Performance is available in ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review
Preprint available
Differentiable Programming & Network Calculus: Configuration Synthesis under Delay Constraints by Fabien Geyer and Steffen Bondorf. [ArXiv]
Paper published
IEEE 28th International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation 2023: A Simulative Approach to AMR Fleet Sizing in Decentralized Multi-Robot Task Allocation by J. Gödeke and P. Detzner [IEEE]
Congratulations to Peter for his successful PhD defense at TU Dortmund! Get a glimpse of his research work on our publications page and see Peter’s thoughts on his journey on LinkedIn.
Paper Accepted
ACM International Conference on Distributed and Event‐Based Systems (DEBS) 2023: Tree-structured Overlays with Minimal Height: Construction, Maintenance and Operation by P. Laskowski, P. Detzner, S. Bondorf.
Teaching Adaptations
We will adapt our teaching schedule, starting winter 2024. Please see the teaching page for more information about the changes.
Colloquium Talks
We will have colloquium talks in an irregular basis. Please send an email to dnet-office@rub.de if you want to be notified.
Winter 2022/23
No Lectures
DNet does not offer lectures in winter 2022/23 as Steffen Bondorf is on sabbatical.
Winter 2020/21
B.Sc. in CS at RUB
Our new B.Sc. in Computer Science will start in Winter 2020/21! Find a press release here (in German) and detailed information here.
Steffen Bondorf
Since 01 October 2023, Steffen Bondorf is serving as vice-dean for internationalization and outreach of the Faculty of Computer Science.
Peter Detzner
Peter Detzner from Fraunhofer IML will join the DNet team for the summer term 2023 to give the Distributed Systems lecture.
Steffen Bondorf
Steffen Bondorf was appointed tenured full professor on 01 December 2021. (announcement, in German)
Nicole Krug
We’re welcoming Mrs. Nicole Krug to our team! She is taking up the role of team assistant and we are looking forward to working together.
Faculty of Computer Science
We are a founding member of the Faculty of Computer Science at RUB (Fakultät für Informatik, FFI) starting 01 October 2021! Press releases: EN, DE (long), DE (short)
Steffen Bondorf
Steffen Bondorf was appointed on 01 October 2019. He heads the DNet | Distributed and Networked Systems group. (announcement, in German, on Facebook)