Manual Install instructions for Mambo Open Source
Modified: April 28th, 2003

Getting started

First you must have the base environment for Mambo.  We have tested Mambo on Linux
and FreeBSD, Mac OS X, Windows NT/2000.  Linux or one of the BSD's are recommended,
but anything else that can run the 3 pieces of software listed below should do it.

Getting Mambo

You will find the latest version at

Installing Mambo

First up, download the Mambo tar package. You can run Mambo as a full site
( or you can run it in a subdirectory of another site
e.g. You just have to edit the configuration.php
file to tell Mambo where it is.  In this example it will run in a directory of a web site:

  1. Make a directory for the web site files:
    mkdir /usr/local/www/mywebspace/mambo

  2. Mambo is packaged in gzip and tar format. Untar the file into the directory:
    tar -xvfz latest_mambo_version.tar.gz -C /usr/local/www/mywebspace/mambo/
    (Make sure you have a trailing slash and replace latest_mambo_version with
    the version you have downloaded)

  3. Now you have to create a database for Mambo in MySQL, you can choose any
    name you want, just remember to edit the configuration.php file with the name
    you choose. Use the mysqladmin command:
    mysqladmin -uroot -ppassword create mambo_database_name

  4. Import the SQL database tables into your newly created database from
    the "sql/mambov4.sql" text file:
    mysql -uroot -ppassword mambo_database_name < sql/mambov4.sql

  5. Make a copy of the "configuration-dist.php" file and call it "configuration.php" in
    your web directory and edit this file with the correct database name, password,
    host and directory info.


    //* Installation Instructions *
    //* *
    //* 1) COPY this file, "configuration-dist.php", to "configuration.php" *
    //* [if it doesn't exist] *
    //* 2) EDIT this new file "configuration.php" to suit your database *
    //* connection and other local/hosted settings. *
    //* Database configuration section *
    $host = 'localhost'; // This is normally set to localhost
    $user = 'mambo'; // MySQL username
    $password = 'mambo'; // MySQL password
    $db = 'mambo'; // MySQL database name
    $dbprefix = 'mos_'; // Do not change unless you need to!
    //* Site specific configuration *
    setlocale (LC_TIME, "en_GB"); // Country locale
    $lang = 'eng'; // Site language
    $absolute_path = '/path/to/your/mambo'; // No trailing slash
    $live_site = ''; // No trailing slash
    $sitename = 'Mambo 4.0.13 Stable'; // Name of Mambo site
    $phpmyadmin = ''; // Path to phpMyAdmin
    $popup = 0; // 0 = Off, 1 = On
    $shownoauth = true; // Display links & categories users do not have access to
    //* Do not change ANYTHING below this line !!! *
    $local_backup_path = $absolute_path.'/administrator/backups';
    $pdf_path = $absolute_path.'/pdf/';
    $image_path = $absolute_path.'/images/stories';
    $col = 3;
    $row = 3;
    if ($directory !='uploadfiles'){
    $title[0]='Story Images';
    } else {
    $title[0]='Uploaded File Images';

  6. You will need to change the permissions of the newsfeeeds/, images/, /pdf
    and uploadfiles/ directories to 777, this should be done recursively:
    chmod -R 777 images
    chmod -R 777 uploadfiles
    chmod -R 777 newsfeeds
    chmod -R 777 pdf

Logging into the administration site

Go to

username: admin
password: admin

Admin email Address

When you login to the administration section of Mambo for the first time,remember
to change the email address of the administrator to your own. This way you will
receive all emails automatically sent by the system.

Sections and sub-sections (Administration)

Sub-Sections can only be added to a Section that is not a mambo component or a
web-link. If you wish to create a Sub-Section, you must first create the main menu
Section. This will populate the Section drop down box on the create new Sub-Section
form, and allow the Sub-Section to be created.